Amateur Rap Fest At Hangout: The Good, The Meh, The Ugly GIFs


Hip hop acts have been in full effect at Hangout Fest the past two days. The Roots turned a crowd of 10K into a dance party while Public Enemy proved to thousands packed in the Boom Boom Tent that  "911 Is A Joke."

Then there were these three, um, aspiring young rappers who entertained the audience while they waited patiently for everyone's favorite substitute teacher Kendrick Lamar to jet in after he missed an earlier flight.

One put mom's spaghetti on notice, one's poetic rhymes weren't done enough justice and one nearly killed the crowd's vibe. We broke down all three in hilarious gifs. Commence judgement.

The Good


Florida's redheaded answer to Eminem had a once-in-a lifetime, 8-Mile moment.

[mtvn_player id="1706918" vid="909638" autoplay="true"]

The Meh


This dude's thinky flows got drowned out in the intoxicated restless crowd. At least he knew how to throw up the diamond?

[mtvn_player id="1706918" vid="909644" autoplay="true"]

The Ugly


Her one-bar rhyme was so weak Sway called security. Tip for next time: don't let a racial slur be one of the first three words you spit.

Keep hitting up our Hangout Hub for more (real) music from the festival. We'll be continuing to live stream performances, share on-demand clips and exclusive interviews from your favorite acts.