'La La's Full Court Life' Premiere: La La's Nine Style Tips For World Domination

La La Anthony is back with season three of La La's Full Court Life, prepping her family for world domination one "spotted dick" at a time. Get your minds out of the gutter--that's just a typical afternoon snack in London Town! While navigating new places can be strange and slightly scary, La La keeps it all in check via her fabulous looks, setting an example all of us can live by on our next transatlantic journey.

On the season premiere, La La heads across the pond to cheer on Carmelo and Team USA in the summer Olympics--joined by Dice and Po, natch--while working to expand her makeup line, Motives for La La, into the international market. In between tip-offs and sightseeing adventures with Kiyan (I'll take that Justin Bieber magnet, K!), La attempts to gather her bearings and expand her palette by tasting the finest pub food the city has to offer, as well as helping out the U.K. economy with a little shopping alongside good friend and London native, Estelle. So how does she stay impeccably fresh in a city that's not her own? Read on for a few important tips that we all can learn from.

La La Style Tip No. 1: Airfare should never cost more than the contents of your closet.


When making a case for why they should accompany Ms. Anthony on her trip to London, Po and Dice bring up the (very logical) point that two plane tickets is the equivalent of "just another shopping trip" for La La. A steal!

La La Style Tip No. 2: Act like a local in restaurants, but let your patriotic side show all the way through to your fingertips.

LaLa's Full Court Life Premiere Olympic Nails

International competition rages on around her, and La La is making the U.S.A. proud with her gold medal-worthy nails.

La La Style Tip No. 3: Hide your distaste for native cuisine with eye-catching accessories


The ladies enjoy a nice lunch with a side of gambling, challenging each other to chug a pint of one of London's most famous brews. Easier said than done.



While it proved more difficult than anticipated, I was distracted from La La's struggle face by those massive, sparkling hoops.

La La Style Tip No. 4: Dress like a blank canvas on every shopping trip (Note: VH1 is not responsible for any excessive credit card bills. Swipe at your own risk!)

LaLa's Full Court Life Premiere MCM Bus

White goes with everything (plus, it's after Memorial Day--yep, she's good).

La La Style Tip No. 5: If you're new in town, don't be afraid to wear a loud print so your friends can always pick you out of a crowd.


Because you've always wanted to say, "I'm with the girl in the leopard."

La La Style Tip No. 6: Working from home doesn't have to be boring.


Sure, she might look like she's lounging, but the coordinated bling and international calls suggest otherwise.

La La Style Tip No. 7: Make your guests feel at home by reminding them of just that.


Never one to shy away from a pattern, La La helps other world travelers feel at ease by wrapping herself in a piece that also serves to trigger memories of Mom and Dad's house.

La La Style Tip No. 8: In lieu of an umbrella, use your hair as a focal point for lost members of your group.


Leading her family on double-decker bus tours and trips around town isn't easy, but they'll never lose La La if they keep an eye on that bun.

La La Style Tip No. 9: Wear your allegiance on your sleeve.


Although you might you want to make sure your coffee date isn't equally as decked out in patriotic garb as you are. I suppose the Olympics does warrant this kind of thing.


After all the money he's helped the Fast and Furious franchise bank, Luda can wear whatever he likes.

Did you catch the season premiere of La La's Full Court Life? Lusting after one of her spectacular pieces, or wondering how she handles jetlag so well? Let us know in the comments.

Related: Take An Early Peek At La La's Full Court Life Season Three

[Photos: La La/Instagram]