Viv Vs. Star: 'The Gossip Game' Pre-Show Debate Gets Personal

Before The Gossip Game airs at 11p ET/PT, cast members Vivian and Star touch gloves on an issue that hits close to home in tonight's episode: homophobia in hip hop. Starting at 10:30p ET/PT, VH1 Blog will be live-streaming the 30-minute #GetInTheMix coversation right here.

Part of a weekly debate series from Monami Entertainment and District Media, this evening's dialogue is likely to get pretty heated. As accomplished journalist and hip hop historian Jayson Rodriguez moderates Viv "El Ratcheto" Billings and never-shy Star, don't forget to hashtag #GossipGameDebate and #GossipGame alongside Jayson and our guest-tweeter, @RealLifeKaz. After the stream, let your voice be heard in the poll below and tune-in to The Gossip Game at 11p ET/PT.