'Basketball Wives': Tami Roman Explains Her Multiple Apologies To Kesha Nichols

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A new season of Basketball Wives is underway, and yet many fans are still asking Tami Roman about her relationship with former costar, Kesha Nichols. "I keep it straight up, I'm going to say what I need to say and if you don't like it the let's have a dialogue about it," Tami explained on this week's episode of Very VH1. "And I think with Kesha, she wasn't willing to have a dialogue, and so I just kept pressing and pressing and pressing, and so it came off a certain way that wasn't really my intent."

According to Tami, she's apologized multiple times--at the reunion, in writing--and is now at a place in her life where's she more willing to admit her past wrongs. Check out a clip from our chat above, and catch an all-new episode of Basketball Wives on Monday at 8/7 C.