Mother Hackers And Social Media: 'Mob Wives' Episode 507 Recap

Drita Old Hollywood

Drita Gangsta Bitch

Ang Bring You To Them

Natalie Face Make Social Media

Drita DAvanzo No Biz

Renee Graziano Face

Big Ang Drita

Drita Natalies Name

Ang Bag Of Shoes

Big Ang Casino Sharon Stone

Big Ang Boobs

Big Ang At The Fight

Karen's Face At Natalie's Arrival

Drita Violence Is The Answer

Karen Gravano Natalie Fight

Karen on The floor

Natalie Guercio Mic Pack In Hair

Drita Fight

Karen Walking Dead

Natalie Guercio Blood Fight

Was that fight real or what? Lord, we can barely deal with all the social media talk and all the drama going down with the Mob Wives this season. Tonight the ladies met up so that Natalie Guercio and Karen Gravano could "settle" their business about the smack talking that happened on social media. (Drink every time they say social media!)

We've collected some of the most ridiculous, hilarious and shady reactions from the ladies not to mention a breakdown of that throw down at the end. Scroll through the gallery and leave your thoughts on the Karen-Natalie feud in the comments.

Don't miss an all new Mob Wives, Wednesday at a new time, 8 PM ET/PT.