This Dude Tried to Drive His Car Off a Tow Truck and Struggled Severely

We appreciate his determination.

What a king.

A Florida man received an unfortunate present earlier this week when a tow truck attempted to scoop up his burgundy SUV—with him in it. C'mon, why can't he live?! Parking narks!

Even though his SUV was 100 percent attached to the tow truck, it didn't stop this unsung hero from trying to escape its metal grip. In a video uploaded by YouTuber Brady Miller, you can see our guy step on the gas in attempt to detach his car from the tow truck. But he struggles. Severely.

Unfortunately, he doesn't get very far. Nothing can stop the forces of towing evil from getting what they want, even aggressive horsepower.

No word yet on if the tow truck driver let this guy off the hook given, ya know, he was in the car. Our guess is these dudes came to an agreement and went out for daiquiris at Applebee's to laugh this entire thing off. Isn't that what people do in Florida?

The best part? What Brady named the video on YouTube: "This guy isn't having a good day."

Nope. Definitely not.

(H/T: The Huffington Post)