Say Whaaa? Jackie Suggested That The Ladies Gang Bang A Guy So He Can Compare Their Vaginas

This moment was too hot for TV.

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We always knew Jackie was a freak in the bedroom (her words!) but this is a whole 'notha level. earlier this season, we asked Malaysia Pargo what her biggest "WTF Moment" of the year was on Basketball Wives LA and she mentioned an incident in Puerto Rico that sounds like it might just have been too hot for TV. During a conversation between all the women, Jackie suggested they have a "pole vaulting" competition, a.k.a. a "f*ck-off" where all the ladies have sex with the same man and he could judge who was the best. As Malaysia put it: "I told her it was a gang-bang but she didn't believe me."

Watch as Jackie describes her freaky sex life and why she thinks he co-stars don't get laid enough in this classic interview:

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