August Alsina's Cousin Is Blaming Him For His Brother's Death In A Series Of Disgusting Texts

Family matters gone very wrong.

Blood isn't always thicker than water, and August Alsina just proved that.

The singer shared a screenshot depicting a series of brutal texts from his cousin, calling him just about every name under the sun and telling him that his career is one big lie. Perhaps most painfully, the cousin accused Aug of being responsible for the death of his beloved older brother.

If you're a real fan of Aug, you know that for years now---long before he was signed to Def Jam--he's always been vocal about how much he loves and misses his late brother, Melvin LaBranch III. Mel was gunned down in New Orleans on August 31st 2010, just three days before August's 18th birthday.

Regardless of family squabbles, there is no excuse for anyone--especially a relative--to come for someone who's expressing their own pain. So my questions for this cousin are simple: What did you hope to gain by taking such a low blow at August? Did your house get any bigger? Did more money grow in your pockets? Is there a better ride in your driveway? Did all of your troubles disappear?

August, I truly hope you don't take on what this so called "loved one" is saying. All you need to focus on is staying on your grind and continuing to do your brother proud.