R. Kelly Is a Misogynistic Creep Who Doesn't Know How Technology Works

"I'm not perfect, but I'm perfectly me."

R. Kelly appeared on Huffington Post Live earlier today to sit down with interviewer Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani and talk about his music. Or so it seemed.

Kelly was promoting his new album Buffet when Caroline began asking him a series of questions that he didn't take well to. After Kelly defended his Facebook video in which he tried to shame black people into buying his album, Caroline asked him point blank why he thinks people aren't purchasing Buffet. Kelly responded by throwing around the word "computer" a few times to ultimately get to this point: "People have computers and they can go on the computer and go online and download."

Caroline then brought up the idea that some people want to support Kelly's music, but find it hard because of the "multiple lawsuits, the multiple allegations" of him having sexual relations with minors. She read a tweet in support of this idea, which triggered Kelly to go on the defensive. He responded by saying that he generally doesn't hear about this conflict from his fans, but that if he did hear it from "20 to 50,000 fans, I will never show up to that venue and any other venue again."

It's at this point that Kelly starts talking over Caroline, buying himself time while she struggles to get out the next question, and it made for quite an awkward and tense exchange between the two. Kelly revealed that he doesn't know how many years ago all of the lawsuits and allegations took place (it was almost 14 years ago), and as if things weren't already going left, the entire interview went off the rails around the 12:50 mark in the video below. It was then that Kelly showed his misogynistic ass with this bizarre quote:

"I am going to sit here and talk to you like you are the beautiful lady you are and I'm going to talk to you with respect and I'm gonna let you know that if any other negative things come at me out of your mouth as far as negativity, I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna walk out and I'm gonna go to McDonald's—hopefully the McRib is out—and I'm going to go home to Chicago and I'm gonna play me some basketball, go to the studio and work on my next album."

Did he just call Caroline beautiful? Did he just threaten to leave and go to McDonald's—of all places? Is the McRib any good?

Caroline tried to steer things back on track by referring to Kelly's lyrics on Buffet to ask him if he thinks that he has a healthy relationship with sex. Kelly responded condescendingly by asking her if she knows what a deposition is because he felt as though he was being deposed. He then asked her if she ever gets drunk. She said yes.

"You fall all over and not know where you're at?" Kelly asked. Caroline responded by saying that she didn't understand the "line of questioning," and let's face it, who did understand Kelly's line of questioning at this point? Was he trying to portray her as a stereotypical drunk white girl? Would he have asked the same thing to a man had a man been interviewing him?

Would he have called that man beautiful like he did to Caroline?

Kelly allowed Caroline one more question and sadly, she couldn't even get it out because he talked over her again. He then told her that he loves her and called her beautiful once more, which he really shouldn't have. No, really, Kelly. You should not have said that.

If Kelly hasn't already, he needs to hire a new PR person. It's been about 14 years and he still doesn't know how to talk about his lawsuits and/or allegations. A simple "I don't want to talk about this" would have sufficed. Is he really so delusional to think that his personal life hasn't impacted his music sales and/or fandom in any way?

After this interview, I'm inclined to say yes, he's actually that delusional. Watch the full interview here, via HuffPost Live.