Saint West Stars in Kim Kardashian's Snapchat, Needs Modeling Contract STAT

Like, seriously. How long does it take?

It's perplexing why Saint West, aged seven months, doesn't already have a modeling contract or brand endorsement (no, Yeezy doesn't count), but perhaps he's using mom Kim Kardashian's Snapchat to build his portfolio.

Saint appeared as himself in Kim's Snapchat Story this weekend, and good God, did he slay his role so hard. The baby appeared for less than two seconds on the app, which is really all it takes to know that this child is destined for that model life.

The Snap video shows Saint, held up by his M.I.L.F. money mom, turning his head to the right *just so*. I'm sorry, but who the hell is Kendall Jenner?

Lord, this Saint is an angel. We need more of him and his modeling talents immediately. May the Snapchat gods and Yeezus grant him more iPhone time soon.