Hold Up -- Did Angel Brinks Just Quit 'Basketball Wives LA'?

"I don't really know if I'm going to come around the girls anymore."

You can't just drop a bomb like that, girl, with no follow up...

Angel Brinks insinuates that this may be her final season on Basketball Wives LA in this highlight from the reunion. After Jackie and Malaysia both lay out their issues with Angel Brinks, Angel realizes that it may just be time to take a step back from these women. Between the dress fiasco with Jackie and allegations from Malaysia that Angel is Queen Slick Talk, Angel realizes that there may be no winning with these girls. Of course, host Marc Lamont Hill asks for a little clarification but Angel hit us with the "I wish everybody the best". If you ever broke up with someone, well, you probably have an idea of what that means.

Welp, unlike other cast members, it's nice to see Angel has the ability to make that choice on her own, no shade no shade.