Here's What 2017 Has Planned For You According to Your Horoscope

The future is bright.

Who else is ready for the tornado storm that is 2016 to be over?

Well the new year is on the horizon and the stars have big things in store for all of us. According to Horoscope, 2017 will be the year of change and success due to the Sun approaching its annual Pluto conjunction and the separating Mars-Neptune conjunction. In simpler terms, 2017 will be lit if you abide by these 12 important guidelines for your astrology sign.


Your charm, smarts, and the element of surprise will be your major keys in 2017. Let them lead you to the success you've been thriving for this year. When the ball drops to conclude 2016, start planning out your game plan. In no time you will start seeing the changes you want.


This year is all about you. Your success will come when you start to focusing on your own well-being above all else. Doing so will increase a more stable future. With Mars and the asteroid Ceres starting the year in your sign, you have the energy to nurture and grow the future you want. Listen to Drake's "Energy" for an extra push.


Your big bright ideas are only as good as the people helping you bring them to fruition. For Gemini's, networking is everything in 2017. You'll have endless ideas and insights but it may be hard to activate them on your own. Talk, network, find partners, and team up when you think it's appropriate.


2017 can be a year full of major achievements, crucial decisions and changes for you, Cancer. Great things are possible with so much transformative energy aimed your way. It will be a great year to successfully conclude a long, difficult project or to make that big change that takes you to a better place... geographically, mentally, and/or emotionally.


This is a year on fire, pouring energy into your work, career, and creativity sectors. Make sure that your emotions, lofty spiritual ideals, and instincts are not left behind due to your high work ethic. Resist burning out or getting too forceful or impatient. Relax, and go for the gold. There's no limit to what you can achieve.


This year will blast off into an adventure of work and career possibilities for Virgos. Thoughts and ideas to move you ahead will be abundant and achievable all year. January also starts with a mystic and mystifying conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces. You'll be looking into the face of magic all year long, and you'll be able to tell what's real from what's illusion. That's an advantage that very few people will have. You're a wizard, Harry!


Strong allies, partners, and friends are key for Libras. Love and all social relationships and connections will benefit you the most. Have a persistent vision, help and be helpful, and you should have a magnificent year! It's that simple.


You may not recognize just how lucky you are going to be this year, Scorpio. The Sun-Pluto conjunction at 2017's beginning may keep you wired, intense, and focused on your chosen work. Keep an eye out for lucky opportunities and be ready to pounce.


There will be countless doors opening to new, previously unconsidered projects, pursuits, and partnerships. Forget those preconceived notions of what you should do or need to do. This year, you can do just about anything.


It's your year to charge ahead, make bold changes for progress, success, and achieve greater respect in the world. Family and friends will listen and support you. But it may be love that generates the most progress for you.


2017 is a time of great potential and personal growth. Hard work and success are there, too, but your greatest progress may be made internally rather than externally.


Take the time to distinguish between what's real and what's illusion and you'll safely navigate any and all situations. Use your charm rather than be charmed, hold true to the loftiest of ideals, and dispel any deceit or deception.

Watch VH1 staffers rundown the highs and lows that defined the crazy year that was 2016.