Bleachers Celebrated #14DaysOfLove With a Performance of "I Wanna Get Better" and "Rollercoaster"

Watch the Bleachers performance below.

Bleachers are known for their over-the-top sound and larger-than-life stage presence, but to help celebrate VH1's 14 Days of Love event in Beaver Creek, CL, they took their talents to a more intimate stage. Creator of the group, Jack Antonoff already spoke to us about the benefits of performing at smaller venues, and now it's time to see it in action.

"This is a very beautiful place", Jack mentions during the show, "and it means a lot to play this song here, and to be with you guys here."

Cool, calm and collected, the NYC indie pop band helped bring in the romantic holiday with a must-see performance of their breakout single "I Wanna Get Better" and their uplifting anthem "Rollercoaster." Watch below.

"I Wanna Get Better"
