Bonus Clip: Joseline Practices On A Fake Baby So She Doesn't Screw Up Bonnie Bella

"This baby kept me up all night!"

You can say what you want about Joseline, but you have to admit that she seems to be taking this motherhood thing very seriously.

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In this Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Joseline's Special Delivery bonus clip, Joseline video chats with her baby prep coach about how she did with her fake baby.

Similar to one of those home economics assignments you see in sitcom plots, Joseline cared for a doll that cried all of the time, and had her every move tracked while doing it. For the most part, she did a good job – aside from some holding issues and the fact that she had to put it on daycare mode a few times for work. Her coach assures her that she can still work hard and be a good mom as long as she sets Bonnie Bella up in a nice daycare.

Hopefully for Joseline's sake Bonnie keeps her up way less than this plastic baby.

Don't miss Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Mondays at 8/7c!