Quiz: Where Did These Fictional TV Show Characters Go to College?

Seriously, what did Leslie Knopes write her college essay about?

Imagine you're a freshman in college. You stumble into your first class late as hell - you couldn't find the massive and clearly labeled lecture hall since you didn't want look like a dumb freshman and ask anyone for help. You grab a seat only to realize that you need a pencil. You turn to the girl next to you and it's 2009 pop superstar Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart (remember she exposed herself in the series finale).

Ok, so that would only happen if you lived the amazing fictional world writers created for Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart. Let's all for a moment escape to the sanctuary of attending a prestigious university alongside our TV faves even if our GPA is a hot laughable mess IRL. Fictional characters from Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy) to Summer Roberts (The OC) are always parading around TV repping colleges that we are supposed to believe they went to. Take this quiz to see if you can match the school to the famous fictional alumni.

Now we know where Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's most famous characters went to college. Watch the video below to see films that other celebs would love to see these funny women remake.