We're Not Sure Martha Knows What Government Cheese is, But She Tries it in This 'Martha & Snoop' Highlight

"That's government cheese, you need a hacksaw!"

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When Wendy Williams peeps into the fridge during this week's episode of Martha & Snoop, she sees that Snoop has some "hood cheese" stashed in there. Once she and Snoop realize that Martha has never experienced government cheese, they're all about getting her to take a taste. No, seriously, the thought has Wendy dancing:

Did you think Martha knew what government cheese was? Well, she literally asks where you can buy some, so we're not so sure.

Either way, it's a hit!

Has anyone checked on Martha? We'll know if she survived her experience with government cheese depending on whether or not she shows up on next week's Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party. Make sure to tune in next Wednesday at 10/9c.