Here's Why We Can't Get on Board with Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch's Romance

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When I found out about Rachel McAdams' new romance with her True Detective costar Taylor Kitsch, I thought two things: 1. This Canadian loves herself some sizzling Canadian baecon, no doubt. 2. How could she do this to us? I mean, I'm happy she found someone, however I couldn't help but instantly gaze off into the distance and replay this moment in my mind.

When Rachel and her ex-beau Ryan Gosling recreated their epic scene from The Notebook at the 2012 MTV Movie Awards, they changed life as we knew it.

THE PASSION. THE SEXUAL VIBES. That's a once in a lifetime love, people.

We felt things.

And still feel them.

Yes, he's now a happy daddy to Eva Mendes' spawn, but that doesn't mean we can't shamelessly live in the past, does it?


Great, now back off and let us live in our delusional glory, looking to the future knowing ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.