Jenelle Evans Changed Her Facebook Status and Fans Are Freaking Out About Her Relationship

Being "Facebook official" is a real thing.

For some people, the difference between being in a legit real life relationship is determined by a setting on Facebook. Being "Facebook Official" is so real that there are scientists that study it and people live by it. That includes Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans and some of her fans.

You see, Jenelle recently got married in September to David Eason after two years of dating and having a baby together, Ensley Jolie Eason, last January. Their honeymoon phase seemed to be going strong with their blended and growing family.

That is until Jenelle changed her Facebook relationship status from "married" to "single." You might think, maybe it was an accident. Sure, except for the fact that Jenelle removed traces of her husband from her cover photo and profile pic. Being sleuths of the internet, her fans went to David's Facebook to see what was going on with him, only to find out he deleted his Facebook all together. Since everything is complicated by social media, the plot continued to thicken. The two posted a Snapchat in matching hunting gear leaving people confused.

Who really knows what's going on? We're sure fans of the couple will continue to do the investigative work until they get to the bottom of this.

Relationships are complicated. Just look at Rihanna and Drake.

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