Donna Really Was On 'Help Me Howard' for Refusing to Pay Rent and The Actual News Segment is Hilarious

You can't make this stuff up.

The whole crew was shocked but not very surprised to see Donna on "Help Me Howard" and, no, this was not fake news. Howard legitimately tried to track her down.

If you're not from New York, "Help Me Howard" is a segment on the news where reporter Howard Johnson helps a selected viewer who may have suffered an injustice or had been wronged. In this case it was Donna's old roommate, Angela Newman. In offering the backstory in how these two came to live together, Howard explains that Angela offered Donna place to stay when she was going through a tough time. Unfortunately "a while" went from a couple of days to indefinitely. To add insult to injury, Angela explains that Donna, whose real name is Taylor Pickney, also had her boyfriend move into the residence at which point Angela said, "Bye girl, you gotta go."


The two allegedly went to housing court to settle their dispute and Angela thinks it's wrong that Donna's not paying rent despite the fact that she stars on Black Ink Crew. When Howard went inside to ask Donna to share her side, she and her boyfriend were not home, and discovered the damage they have done. Aside from holes in the walls, the boyfriend apparently climbed up the window and broke it, probably because the locks were changed on Donna.

In the end, Howard completed his mission (as he usually does) and Donna eventually moved out, but Donna was NOT happy to see Angela when she popped up at the shop in this week's episode. As you can see from the way she popped off, in the clip below.