Before Sandwiches, Jared Was Selling You Sex Tapes

Sandwiches + Sex Tapes = -200lbs.

Jared Fogle, the dude who once lost over 200 pounds via a strict sandwich diet, had his home searched this morning by the FBI, according to TMZ.

The investigation comes months after Russel Taylor, the former director of Jared's charity foundation, was arrested for owning and producing child pornography. Over 500 videos were reportedly found in Russel's home. Jared said his foundation was cutting ties with Russel after his arrest.

But is there more to the story? Back in 2007, we reported that Jared once ran a successful pornography rental company in college. A source said Jared had an extensive porn collection, and would rent out videos on the cheap for a buck a day.

Is this a coincidence or is there something more, here?