Charmaine is Completely Gagged By Danielle's Maid of Honor Surprise

The timing couldn't be better for a sweet surprise like this.

Charmaine may be out of a job now that 9Mag is closed, but all of her FUNemployed time is about to be put to good use.

Now that Danielle is back from her engagement moon with Terrence, her first priority is to stop by Charmaine's to get all the deets on the clusterf*ck that is currently 9Mag. She finds out that Ryan not only jumped his own ship and left all of his employees joblesss, but also had the nerve to shoot bullets in the wall on his way out. Not exactly the welcome home news Danielle was expecting.


are you kidding

On the bright side, nothing takes your mind off being unemployed quite like planning a wedding. Luckily, there's quite a lot of planning to do for Danielle and Terrence's big day. Danielle comes by with a couple of cake samples for them to try. Charmaine is completely gagged after biting into a surprise note that reads: "Will you be my maid of honor?"

Check out the video to see if Charmaine accepted, and don't forget to catch next week's Black Ink Crew: Chicago Wednesday 8/7c only on VH1.