Jackie Hopes Her PSA About Gun Violence Can Get Her Friends to Move Past the Petty Ish and Focus on More Important Issues

It's all about putting things into perspective.

Police brutality has been weighing heavy on Jackie Christie's heart so she decided to do something about it. With the help of the other Basketball Wives, she filmed a PSA, which called for the end of the continued violence at the hands of law enforcement.

Kirsten and her precious daughter, Kenzi showed up along with OG, Tami, and Jackie's kids to lend their voices to an important cause. The filming went off without a hitch and everyone did a great job. When they finished filming, Kristen joined OG and Jackie in a conversation and it took Jackie a minute to even realize that the former nemeses were even talking to each other. They explained how they put their beef behind them at the play and Jackie sees this as hope that everyone else can move past their drama because "there are bigger issues going on that everybody needs to focus on."

Hopefully, everything can go well at Jackie's launch party when Shaunie, Malaysia, Jennifer, and Tami are all in the same room (spoiler alert: it won't).

Catch Basketball Wives at its new night and time, Sundays at 10/9c.