Before Quitting Loyal Ink For Good, Lily Drops This Major Bombshell About Van 👀

"At the end of the day, I wasn't about to bring s--t up, but everyone wants to act all angel."

Oh, you thought Lily was going to go quietly? Whew! Chile....

Van understands that Jen and Charmaine don't bring actual revenue to the shop, but after he tries to cape for them, things go left and up the block. In the Black Ink Crew: Chicago highlight above, Jen is big mad that she has to listen to Van complain about all of the Loyal Ink drama caused by Lily when the two of them are at home. Van "has [his] female making an opinion that has nothing to do with her" and at this point for Lily it's "f--k Van and his nosy ass b---h."



The conversation gets heated and Lily claims that Van hit her up for a late night visit on some sookie sookie ish. When Jen presses Lily about this very serious allegation, Lily says that Van kissed her and she allowed it, which is why she's been keeping her distance. Lily stands by her accusation and walks off with Reese while Jen tries to get to the bottom of this with her man. Knowing that things won't get better after dropping a bombshell like that, Lily and Reese head to Loyal Ink to pack their things up.

Frustrated from feeling like she's done all she could to make things work, Lily is done with this shop. To her, "no one knows what loyal means," and seeing how Kat, Ryan, and Junior all left, Lily knows that it's time to go. Believing that Charmaine is to be blame for all of this chaos, Lily and Reese leave their keys behind, dipping on Loyal Ink for good.

Deuces! Don't miss an all new Black Ink Crew: Chicago next Wednesday at 8/7c!