Young Bae Explains Why She Isn’t Hiding Baby Nikko From the 'Black Ink Crew'

"Leave my baby alone. I'll bring him around when I'm ready and he tells me he's ready."

Bae now has two baes!

When Bae walked into the doctor's office for a check up on May 19th, she had no idea she'd be meeting the love of her life. In this exclusive Black Ink Crew interview, Bae expresses her excitement with being a new mom and the struggles she went through to become one. Born 5 weeks early and breached, an emergency C-section was required to ensure a safe delivery for baby Nikko. The premature birth certainly raised some concerns for Bae; the baby cries and silence made her equally nervous. There's no need to be that though, especially with the support system she has.

Melody doesn't exactly have advice, but she offers a disclaimer that Bae will be a slave to Nikko for the rest of her life and it will be beautiful. Bae is so protective, naturally, but Donna feels it's okay for the little baby to have some friends. Melody has yet to see the baby and is jokingly questioning Nikko's existence, but he's "fragile," so calm down. Bae will bring him around when Nikko tells her that he's ready.

In the meantime, just aww over these pics, mmk?

The "lil ninja" according to Walt.

'Gimme my baba before I hit you with that hi-yah.'

The "paid actor" according to Melody.

'To pee, or not to pee. That is the question.'

And who needs friends, Donna, when he's kicking it with family. Pops is even knocked out from all of the fun!

'Dad dead took over my whole naptime space.'

We see why the crew is so anxious to meet him. He's so precious! Congrats once again to Bae and Rob! You can see more of Bae's journey throughout season seven of Black Ink Crew on Wednesdays at 10pm.