"I Won't Let Him Get Hurt." One of Akbar's Girlfriends Is Really Willing to Go to Jail For Him

"It's not clear to me who released it but either way, it sounds like Alejandra is going to jail for it."

Love is blind. It'll take over your mind, and apparently your iCloud.

In this Love & Hip Hop Hollywood highlight, Akbar stands by his claim of innocence regarding Teairra Mari's revenge porn case against him. He says, "I'm a victim myself. I did not leak the tape. I've been accused of leaking the tape that entire time. My private parts are being shown." Y'all, he says he's just as humiliated (insert attitude-adjacent emoji.)

In trying to figure out who put all of Titi's bedroom business out in these streets, one of Akbar's girlfriends admits that she only took the blame for leaking the sex tape because Teairra Mari allegedly released the tape at their home. Alejandra is sure that Teairra exposed herself but was willing to take the charge so Akbar wouldn't go to jail. As far as who is actually responsible for releasing the tape, the world may never know but Akbar definitely has a harem full of riders.

Love & Hip Hip Hop Hollywood may be a wrap but don't miss the season 9 premiere of Love & Hip Hop New York, Monday at 8/7c!