Eminem Blasts Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, Miley Cyrus + More In Insane 8-Minute Freestyle

Slim's back and no one is safe.

They don't call him Slim Shady for nothing. While on his press run to promote the upcoming film, Southpaw, Eminem paid a visit to Sway's show Shade 45 and ended up spitting an eight-minute long shade-filled freestyle. In typical Eminem fashion, no celebrity was safe. He mentions a catalog of artists and celebrities including Foxy Brown, Cindy Crawford, Caitlyn Jenner, Paul Rosenberg, Amanda Bynes, Brandy, Aaron Hernandez, Janet Reno, and many more. Here's just a few selected verses from the freestyle:

On Miley Cyrus:

“I’m comin’ through like a wrecking ball / I swear I think highly of Miley and I respect her, the way I backhand her / Excuse my French, Montana”

On Caitlyin Jenner:

“I see the bitch in you Caitlyn, I keep the pistol tucked like Bruce Jenner’s d-ck / No disrespect, though / Not at all / No pun intended / That took a lot of balls.”

On Brandy and Janet Jackskon:

"Hands inside my pants as I fantasize / taking it bandage of Brandy and Janet by grabbing my Spanish fly like a blind Hispanic guy"

On Bill Cosby:

“Awful, I made monopoly off misogyny, sodomy / How many chocolatey Jell-O Pops could he possibly lace / Walkin’ atrocity / No wonder you scoff at me / It’s still obvious I’m as off-pudding as Bill Cosby is.”

On Amanda Bynes:

"It's all part of my grand design / To get Amanda Bynes to come and blow me like a fucking dandelion"

On Azelalia Banks:

“Oh and Azealia Banks, just wanna tell ya thanks / Now I got trailer skanks sending me ballpark franks in the mail as pranks / And Hot pockets / Thanks a lot.”