Watch Janelle Monae Get Cut Off While Speaking on Police Brutality During "Today" Performance


Reportedly, while Janelle Monae was giving an amazing performance on NBC's Today, the show caught her off at the end of her performance of "Hell You Talmabout" when she spoke candidly about tragic police brutality issues in America.

"God bless all the lives lost to police brutality, she passionately shouts. "We want white America to know that we stand tall today. We want black America to know we stand tall today. We will not be silenced!" Shortly after, Monae was cut off by an anchor proceeding to talk over her breaking for commercial.

Janelle's outspoken performance wasn't at random. It was used as a testament to give urgency of the recent cases of racial profiling, police shootings, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement, which she also addresses in the song "Hell You Talmabout." Listen below.