Your Feel-Good Friday Moment: Adorable Children Dance To Sia Furler's "Chandelier"

Dance Moms' 11-year-old Maddie Ziegler has caught fans' attention with her remarkable performance in the music video for Sia Furler's "Chandelier."  With over 87 million views on YouTube, the hit video has not only received critical acclaim, but has managed to mesmerize the youngest of viewers. In other words, Ziegler isn't the only kid breaking it down.

Watch as these adorably cute little kids try to imitate and create their own choreography to Sia's lead single. Warning: Their moves don't lie.

1. This girl wants to nix the seriousness and have fun.

2. The pink wig says it all.

3. Her moody lighting is a bit thrown off by the pink dress, but she still kills it.

4.  This little one even incorporates similar props into her rendition.

5. Nailed it! Black and white and all.

6. His leg extension might be just as good as little Ziegler's.