Celebrate Quentin Tarantino's 50th Birthday With His 10 Most WTF Movie Death Scenes Of All Time

Quentin Tarantino is the Anti-Disney. His hugely influential and popular films have featured some of the most intensely violent and twisted scenes in cinema history. Sure they were brutally hard to watch, sometimes offensive and VERY NSFW, but they go SO far over the line that you just have to sit back and watch with wonder, all the time thinking "Whoa, this guy ain't like you and me!"

Like live action cartoons, QT's epics blur the line between reality and his own romanticized fantasy, taking us to a place totally of his own creation. With kickass soundtracks too, no less! From his mainstream directorial debut with Reservoir Dogs back in 1992, all the way up to his current Oscar glory with Django Unchained, this Inglourious Basterd has always been controversial, but always made us come back for more. In honor of his 50th birthday today, we've rounded up our list of his 10 most what the f--k-worthy death scenes from his incredible cannon. Beware of blood, explosions and SPOILERS, but enjoy!

10. Shot In The Line Of Doody: Butch Coolidge Takes Down Vincent Vega In Pulp Fiction

As if it wasn't bad enough that Vincent didn't take his gun into the toilet, he didn't even get to take a bit of his Pop Tarts! We had no idea who was going to come out of that bathroom the first time we saw this classic, and it totally blew our minds.

9. Getting A Head: O-Ren Ishii Getting Board-Room Slashy In Kill Bill Vol. 1

Revenge is a dish best served cold. But always make sure to prepare it with a machete before hand.

8. Joy Ride: Death Proof's Instant-Replay Car Crash

Quentin's foot fetish is at the fore of this gruesome moment from his self described "worst film." Great song choice. Great legs. Bad driving.

7. Out Through The In Door: The Bride Slams Buck In Kill Bill Vol. 1

Tarantino is known for finding ways to make even the most common objects lethal. In this case, The Bride goes to town on a hospital orderly using only a door. Remind us to never let Quentin stay at our place.

6. Hair Trigger: Vincent Accidentally Takes Out Marvin In Pulp Fiction

This one literally comes out of nowhere! Still gets us every time.

5. Papa Bear Is Angry: Sgt. Donny Donowitz Gets Swinging In  Inglourious Basterds

In this tough-to-watch scene, the Eli Roth forever changed the way we look at T-ball.

4. Snake Eyes: Budd Vs. The Black Mamba In Kill Bill Vol. 2

Come on, Quentin. Even tough guys like Indiana Jones are freaked out by snakes! Perhaps even more unsettling is the way that Daryl Hannah's Elle Driver maintains her cool as she rattles off snake-factoids like a kid at show-and-tell.

3. Self Destruction: Q Blows Himself Sky-High in Django Unchained

Of COURSE Quentin saves one of the most unexpected and explosive screen deaths for himself!

2. Orange You Glad You Packed Heat? Mr. Orange Stops Mr. Blonde In Reservoir Dogs

The surprise of a presumed-dead man rising up and killing the bad guy is an old trope, but it definitely caught us off guard here.  After Mr. Blonde cut that guy's ear off, we knew that all bets were off.

1. Eye Hate You: The Bride Gets Gouge-y In Kill Bill Vol. 2

We'll be totally honest: we STILL haven't been able to watch this entire scene with our eyes open. Even after all these years! Congrats, QT. You win this one.

[Photo: Miramax/Getty Images]