Ryan Gosling Proves White Dudes Can Dance in these Epic Throwback Videos

Ryan Gosling never ceases to amaze us. He's the perfect dad, rom-com king, and ultimate old-school hip hop dancer? This is the beauty of the Internet.

In the video above, a twelve-year-old Ryan with serious game is swarmed by ladies, busting a move in M.C. Hammer pants in a little group called Ryan & Company.

But, wait. There's more.

To the people who unveiled these amazing 1992 videos: bless your heart. To everyone watching them now: let's rally to get Ryan to dance like this for us again. The sooner the better.

Ryan's talents have gotten him to the point where he can be choosy about picking movie roles. Watch him explain in the video below. And just watch because it's Ryan Gosling.

[mtvn_player id="1732589" vid="1105288" autoplay="true"]

Here's a pic for the road because we're happy just making your day.