Shane West Knows Why Nicholas Sparks' Films Get You Every Damn Time

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Shane West had what it takes to be a leading man in a Nicholas Sparks' film. (But not just any Sparks film, probably the most devastating one of them all, A Walk to Remember.) And the actor knows exactly why Sparks' work gets the best of every emotion you never knew you had.

"He's kind of batting a thousand," West told Nick Lachey on Big Morning Buzz Live Friday. "He's just very real with his stories, he comes from a real place. I think fans appreciate that." He also reminisced about working with Mandy Moore and being on his first major press tour, which hit up TRL, obviously. "My biggest memory is no memory. I was so scared and intimidated. There were so many people in your face, screaming, laughing, smiling. It was chaos."

Who else is searching for the fastest Walk to Remember streaming link and a box of tissues?