How to Live Like Pippa Middleton (on a Budget)

Just because your bank account is basic doesn't mean your life has to be.

By Colleen Thornhill

Pippa Middleton is not England’s future queen like her sister Kate, but that doesn’t mean she’s living a life any less enviable. Between her frequent appearances on best-dressed lists and her more than a few athletic endeavors, the younger Middleton sister is a woman who has carved her own impressive path over the years. In honor of Pippa’s 32nd birthday, we decided we’d help you celebrate her to the fullest by giving you some advice on how you, too, can live like this famous socialite—well, a socialite with no zeros at the end of her bank account statement. Even if your parents didn’t found a multi-million dollar business, you can still live like Pippa Middleton.

Be original.

For big sis Kate’s special day, Pippa wore an Alexander McQueen original design. If you don’t have McQueen on speed dial, just try Craigslist. Post a “Dress Designer Wanted” ad, and an aspiring dressmaker will definitely respond within minutes. Don’t pay in cash, pay in job experience. A bullet on the resume is worth way more than a check in the bank.

Write what you know.

A columnist for Vanity Fair, Pippa writes about everyday things, like five-star ski resorts and box seats at Wimbledon. Get your foot in the door by creating your own WordPress blog to express yourself. Don’t dish out money for the domain name until more than just your mom is reading it, though.

Just duct tape it.

Pippa once biked 3,000 miles across the US to raise money for charity. Her bike was a custom-built, well-cushioned, £2,250 contraption, you could probably get through that same distance on your childhood two-wheeler. Just grab a pillow, duct tape it to the seat, and you’re set.

Water is water.

If you can’t rent a yacht like water aerobics Pippa here, don’t worry. A visit to your local water park will substitute just fine, as long as you can ignore the throngs of children and overexposed dad bods. Just steer clear of the kiddie pool.

Any tennis will do.

Pippa is a staple at Wimbledon. Can’t fly to London for the championship? Any local tennis court will do. Whether it’s soccer moms getting in their weekly exercise or the local brownie troupe earning their tennis badge, just pick a spot on the court and settle in to watch them play. You’ll blend right in if you have a Pimm’s Cup in hand.

Embellish your Tinder profile.

Pippa has dated wealthy businessmen and athletes over the years. While you won’t necessarily bump into any of these at your local dive bar, you can get creative in your attempts to catch one. Embellish your Tinder profile just slightly short of catfishing, and you may wrangle in your dream guy.

Buy a keg.

Pippa loves to entertain so much she wrote a book about her passion called Celebrate. Even if you can’t throw the same lavish parties, you can still buy a keg (the gift that keeps on giving) and offer your guests a platter of bagel bites. Alcohol and free food, no matter the brand, will always make a party.

Go commando.

Recently spotted in a $276 bikini, Pippa is known for splurging on high-quality fashion. You could try to find a similar suit at Targé, but your best route is to forgo swimwear altogether. Or, if you’re shy, just stick with your normal underwear—no one will be able to tell the difference.

Babysit attractive children.

Kate and Will have blessed Pippa with two of the cutest nieces and nephews on the planet. If you can’t convince your sibling to procreate or afford to adopt, then you’ll need to get creative to insert adorable children into your life. Your best bet here is to babysit, but only for very attractive families with excellent tip records.

Netflix marathons count, too.

Even though she’s already biked across the US, Pippa’s next athletic undertaking is a 47-mile swimming and running race through Sweden. You might not have the time needed to train for such a test in endurance, but if you have a Netflix account, you can definitely say, “I succeeded in finishing a marathon this weekend.” No one has to know what kind of marathon.

Sell it on Etsy.

To raise money for charity, Pippa recently collaborated with designer Tabitha Webb to design a few clothing items. Her products retail from around $100 to $400, but that’s nothing compared to the bank you could be making on Etsy. Just grab some superglue, sequins, and denim, and you’ll be adding to your savings account in no time.

Just be you.

While Pippa could easily live in the shadow of her sister Kate, she’s managed to become a household name just by being herself and pursuing her own impressive goals. So, if you really want to live like Pippa, go after the things you want most in life. Because when you’re true to yourself, life’s priceless.