Some Website Made a Totally BS List of Men Amber Rose Has Slept With, Proving Why the Slut Walk Is Necessary

Is this real life?

A site that shall not be named posted a completely ridiculous and sexist article about men who have been "linked" to Amber Rose since she dated Kanye. I can't even bring myself to include it here and give them the satisfaction of more exposure. That's what your friend Google is for.

Anyway, Amber rightfully called them out via Twitter, and while she received a mixed response of support and "Why TF are you even responding to these idiots?," I'm putting myself in her shoes and becoming completely infuriated. However, part of me is almost glad at the blatant insensitivity of objectifying a woman, because it proves how badly our society needs feminist causes like Amber's LA Slut Walk.

I'm sitting here in bewilderment, and completely pissed off due to the following:

  • First of all. Anyone with a soul will wonder: how or why is this "article" OK?
  • I'm disturbed that someone took the time to actually put this list together.
  • I'm disturbed that after someone took the time to actually put this list together, it was published for the public.
  • Whoever someone sleeps with is no one's business.
  • For that matter, anyone can sleep with whoever TF they want to sleep with.
  • This list isn't even factually correct.
  • Even if it was, why do you or anyone else need to see it? Oh, that's right, you 150% don't.
  • Are you kidding me, though?
  • Oh and um. Where's Kanye's list? Or any other list of a male celebrity's partners? JW.
  • I guess since it's deemed OK to have written that article about a woman-which makes me feel dirty from just reading, BTW-let's get the roll-calls out of mens' sex partners, shall we? How about one on Lamar Odom since he and Khloe split? Or Leo DiCaprio in his whole GD life? Screw it, let's take a look at Obama's sex life pre-Michelle while we're at it. It's fair game, right?


    Please, Amber, help shed light on these problems with your cause so I never have to look at garbage like that again.