Vote Now For The 2018 Mona Award for Love & Hip Hop's' Breakout Star

You made your mark!

We didn't really know 'em, we met 'em, and now we love them. They broke out and showed out.

An appearance on Love & Hip Hop has catapulted some stars' careers tremendously. These are the cast-members who took this Love & Hip Hop platform and elevated it and themselves. Whether they've made a statement through their flashy clothing, confronting romantic rivals while giving zero f---ks, channeling that inner Petty Mayonnaise, or even serving memorable facial expressions, they came, made their mark, and are now flourishing in these celebrity skreets. VOTE NOW for who you feel deserves to take home the Mona for being the Breakout Star before this poll closes on 4/1!

Winners will be announced starting on Monday, April 2.