You Won't Believe How Old Amber Rose Was the First Time She Was Slut-Shamed

And the story behind it is sickening.

We're one day away from Amber Rose's Slut Walk LA, a huge initiative to educate, empower women, and preach feminism. I've been following Amber since day one and love and support the hell out of her cause, in case you didn't know. But it wasn't until today, when I asked her to recall the moment she was slut-shamed for the first time, that I felt so emotionally connected to what she's doing, understanding her motivation on a completely new level.

At the Slut Walk Press Conference in LA today, Amber tells me she remembers the first time she was a victim of slut-shaming. "I was still a virgin," she says. And I can tell behind her totally fabulous sunglasses, there's reflection, thought, and remnants of confusion and pain before she pauses and continues to tell her story.

"I was in a closet with this boy, I had just started making out with boys. He was like, 'Just get down on your knees.' And I was like, 'OK?' I mean, I was young, I didn't even know what oral sex was, I had no idea."

She continues to explain how a young, confused Amber got down on her knees in a dark closet, when the boy, with his penis out, swung the door open so all of their friends outside could see.

"I said, 'Oh my god. Wait. What is going on?' I went back to school and everyone was like, 'Amber was sucking dick in the closet,' and I had never done that before. I remember just being extremely slut-shamed for something that I didn't do. It was really unfortunate."

Amber says that the memory of that event just recently came back to her while prepping for the Slut Walk. "Girls at such a young age, whether they kiss a boy, or like a boy, or are caught somewhere with a boy alone, [it] can really make the rest of [their] school years horrible."

The worst of it all was how old Amber was when this happened. "I was probably around 14," she said.

Learn more about Amber's cause here and come back to VH1 for more Slut Walk coverage.