Tami Says Evelyn's Got Beef with Her and She'd Like to "Clarify It for Her"

"Apparently there was a beef that I didn't know about. So she's mad at me and I had no idea."

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Evelyn Lozada made a cameo on Basketball Wives LA this season but what's life like with Ev now that she's moved on to her own series? We asked Shaunie and Tami where they stood with their former cast mate and things got interesting. Shaunie says Ev is definitely welcome to join the LA cast whenever she wants and Tami? Well, Tami said that she and Evelyn don't have a relationship. "Apparently there was a beef that I didn't know about. So she's mad at me and I had no idea. So, I would like for her to pick up the phone and call me and let me know what it's all about because I could definitely clarify it for her." Oop. Ev, better call your girl ASAP.