Mehgan James Has Got a New Boo (and He's Going to Super Bowl 50)

"Headed to Super Bowl 50 congrats baby"

Basketball Wives LA's Mehgan James has got a new man, and he's major. The reality star and business woman has taken to Instagram to post photos from the football field over the last few months, but now she's confirmed that her boo is Denver Broncos cornerback Kayvon Webster, and, well, he's going to the Super Bowl.

Mehgan was at the big game last night and has the pictures to prove it.

With Kayvon's sister

"Game day w my sis!! @__imtootrillll !!! Go Broncos #afcchampionship #kwebb36"

Webster is 24, born and raised in Florida, and attended University of South Florida, oh, and he ain't bad on the eyes either.

Congrats to the couple and to Kayvon for heading the Super Bowl. Do you think we'll see Mehgan and Kayvon's relationship play out on Basketball Wives LA's next season?