Nine-Months-Pregnant Apryl Jones Shares 3D Ultrasound Pictures

Think it's safe to say Megaa's sister might be his lookalike!

Love & Hip Hop Hollywood stars Apryl Jones and Omarion are expecting their second baby, a girl this time around,and she's coming very soon. We all know how friggin' ADORABLE Megaa is, but Apryl shared a 3D ultrasound image to her Instagram of her expectant baby girl. She compared it to Megaa's ultrasoud picture at the same time into that pregnancy, and well, let's just say we kind of have a feeling her baby girl will be absolutely adorable too!

"Megaa and his sis at the same time in my pregnancies...."

Those are some strong cute genes. In case you forgot just how cute (which you didn't), just look!

"Just the start of pregnancy shoot with @brendanforbes thanks for the amazing shots...#Megaa"

Definitely looking forward to the pics from the pregnancy shoot!