Rita Ora Serves as Mentor and Biggest Cheerleader to the Models in the Latest America's Next Top Model Overview

"My first job is to create a brand and know how to sell and to have multiple business ventures."

Rita Ora is a singer, actress, model, mogul, and now mentor of a crop of the fiercest aspiring models on America's Next Top Model. It's a new ANTM though, and it's not just about looking the part, it's about owning your brand and selling your businesses. In a new overview Rita shares her goal with her fellow panelists, "My first job is to create a brand and know how to sell and to have multiple business ventures." But Rita's not just serving tough love to the contestants. She'll also be big sis, coaching girls through the tough times (like those always challenging makeovers) and offering support as their biggest cheerleader. We. Can't. Wait. Don't miss Rita on the series premiere of the new America's Next Top Model on Monday, December 12th at 10/9c.