Evelyn and Tami Finally Sit Down Face to Face on Their Grown Women Ish in the Basketball Wives Sneak

This beef is actually a motherf--king factor.

[mtvn_player height="288" width="512" content_uri=""]Tami Roman and Evelyn Lozada's on-again, off-again friendship was thrown back into the spotlight as soon as Ev signed back up for Basketball Wives but can they finally actually get back on again? In a sneak peek for the next Basketball Wives, Shaunie in the middle gets her two besties in the same location but can she get them to actually have a conversation? From the way the supertrailer indicates Jackie and Malaysia go hard against the Miami ladies, we have to assume that Ev and Tami are getting on their grown woman-ish to squash Team LA as a unified force. Bloop! Found out if they actually bury the hatchet on a brand new Basketball Wives, at a special time Sunday, May 7th at 7/6c.