Kirk (And His Boxes) Pop Up At Rasheeda's Doorstep the Minute He Hears She Might Be Dating

"I'm worried about you putting your interest somewhere else when we need to be fixing our situation."

Kirk is super serious about working things out with his wife Rasheeda. So serious, in fact, that he's wasted no time trying to move back into their house the minute he heard that she might be taking interest in another man.

In last night's episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Kirk gets a tip from his daughter Kelsie that Rasheeda asked her buff, handsome trainer to come fix a few things at Pressed. Sure, Rasheeda did ask for her space after Kirk's affair with Jasmine. But now that she's possibly entertaining another man, Kelsie thinks it's time for Kirk to step it all the way up and prove just how devoted he is to winning back her trust.

His idea of devotion? Popping up at their house with a moving truck full of his stuff. Rasheeda is beside herself that Kirk would show up without any formal conversation about them getting back together. "If we was gonna move back in together, that's a decision we make together." Kirk has no shame admitting that he feels a bit threatened by the prospect of another man winning her over. "I'm worried about you putting your interest somewhere else when we need to be fixing our situation."

Even though she can't stand the way Kirk completely ambushed her, Rasheeda does miss having him in the house. Is this a good idea considering the paternity drama currently at play, or is it time they work on finally patching things up?

Watch the clip above to see what Rasheeda decides and don't miss the next episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta next Monday at 8/7c!