How Much is Bethenny Frankel Charging Fans to Meet Her?

You'll also get a glass of alcohol, too.

Everyone knows Real Housewives of New York City star Bethenny Frankel is a shrewd businesswoman, so this latest move should come as no surprise.

Bethenny is throwing a Reality Check event at Connecticut's Mohegan Sun Casino on National Girlfriends Day (August 1) to promote her book I Suck at Relationships So You Don't Have To: 10 Rules for Not Screwing Up Your Happily Ever After, and people have to cough up a little cash if they want to meet the Skinnygirl queen.

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For $20, fans will get entrance into the Reality Check event and a glass of Prosecco—no Skinnygirl, bb? However, it'll cost you $40 if you want to brush arms with the television star. That price grants entrance into Bethenny's book signing, where you'll get to meet your fave chick in the flesh.

But is the price worth it? Only if Ms. Frankel delivers personality goods akin to these life-giving RHONY moments:

This is how she must greet us.

And then she'll have to say this at one point.

Plus, sarcasm is basically required.

Please and thank you, B. <3