Does Mariah Carey Have Intimate Knowledge of Stevie J's Beefcake?
"'Cause the boy beefcake game is crazy, you feel me?"
In the this exclusive, Stevie alludes to giving Mimi (#NoFaust) some of his "special sauce" back when the two worked on her five-time platinum 1997 album, Butterfly.
"If you look at her credits on the Butterfly album she’s like, 'Yo, shout out to Stevie J the fat muffin man,' cause the boy beefcake game is crazy, you feel me?"
Actually we don't. But we know he already bagged rapper Eve, and he's tight with Faith, so if true, would Mariah be such a surprise?
For more of the fat muffin man, be sure to watch Leave It To Stevie Mondays at 9/8c.