Most Explosive Rock Love Triangles


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Rock music is the sound of rebellion and of raw sexual passion. The greatest rock musicians of all time were obviously incredible artists, but they also had a penchant for getting involved in some messy love triangles. A lot of passion went into our favorite rock music, but is there such a thing as too much? Can a love triangle be too explosive?

When you think of bands like Fleetwood Mac or the Mamas and the Papas, you think about their sordid love lives as soon as you think of their classic songs. Sure, we get to enjoy the music, but artists like Stevie Nicks and Michelle Phillips found themselves at the center of  some major drama that came close to destroying lives.

When Anita Pallenberg left Brian Jones for Keith Richards, it seemed like she was escaping from an abusive partner, but she and Richards enabled their own drug abuse and Jones was soon estranged from the band--and dead. Of course, Richards was at the center of another love triangle between himself, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful.

As explosive as all these love triangles were, they don't come close to the rumors spawned by Courtney Love's liaisons with Billy Corgan and Kurt Cobain. There's a lingering myth that the reason Cobain committed suicide is because he found out that Love was sleeping with Corgan behind his back.

Some of these love triangles broke hearts and others ruined lives, but they all had the saving grace of inspiring some of the best rock music of all time.

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