Cyn Santana's Tributes To Her Brother Joel Will Leave You In Tears

This thanksgiving isn't the same for me. Instead of eating with my entire family... we are mourning the loss of my brother. I lost my older brother to suicide... This feels so surreal. my heart hurts. I never knew this pain existed. I don't wish this on anyone... I'm not posting this for pity.. I just REALLY need you guys to be thankful and appreciate your loved ones... Say I love you while they are still here. Not just today but EVERYDAY, cherish your loved ones... Please remind them what they mean to you. I didn't say goodbye the way I would have wanted to...I love you Joel.. You had no idea how much. I know you are now at peace..... There's always someone there to listen. Suicide is NOT the answer... Suicide hotline: 1-800-784-2433.

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Nov 28, 2013 at 5:37pm PST

Cyn Santana has been very open about her brother Joel committing suicide a little over a year ago and used her platform on Love & Hip Hop to push for suicide prevention awareness.

In an interview with Hot 97, Cyn said, "We just want to educate people, and not just people that are thinking of committing suicide but people that can help." It's very apparent that Cyn has nothing but love for her brother and we applaud her mission to bring awareness to depression and mental health. In honor of Cyn's brother, we've gathered some heartfelt tributes she's posted for him on her Instagram.

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Dec 2, 2013 at 10:08am PST

This was the best gift... I feel like I'm looking right at him. This meant so much to my family and I. Thank you @lovesashax

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Dec 25, 2013 at 10:53am PST

I love you.

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Dec 24, 2013 at 10:19pm PST

Tonight, I feel you in my presence. I didn't express my love for you while you were here and I'm sorry for that. I feel guilty.. so I turn to social media to show my love for you.. To show the world that I love you and that I'm sorry this happened to you.. But then I press post and realize this doesn't mean anything. You're not coming back. And you left this world without knowing how much I really did love you. But I then realize that this simple post can do something because someone right now is going through what you went through. Someone right now is going to read this and realize suicide is not the answer.. And in your memory I will help those in need. Your story is going to save so many beautiful lives. I wish I could've saved you.. But you're now at peace and we now have an angel. It will always be 6 of us. I love you.

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Feb 16, 2014 at 9:16pm PST

Can't believe it's been 4 months since you left us physically. This is a wound that time will never heal. You have never been more alive. Alive in my heart. We love you so much. Keep watching over us. You're our angel.

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Mar 27, 2014 at 10:52am PDT

Happy birthday. I love you ??

A photo posted by Cyn Santana (@cynsantana) on Nov 22, 2014 at 2:28pm PST