Princess Love Explains Her Weight Loss to Critics

"If I state my opinion about a lot of you, you would probably delete your IG.

When Princess Love and Ray J's wedding pictures came out, a lot of people were commenting on Princess' new more svelte figure. Last night, of course in the comments of her Instagram, Princess Love finally had enough and clapped back to a troll who said they liked her better when she was thicker. Like, it's their business?

Well, Princess had enough and after cussing the troll out, she opened up about her weight loss, which apparently everyone has an opinion on.

Princess spoke about her diet and regimen writing, "I'm Vegan and alcohol free. I went from 163lbs to 123lbs in 7 months the healthy way, by changing my diet and working out. When I was thicker I was eating junk food and drinking every single day. I'm happy with my body and that's all that matters. I understand that everyone has an opinion and that's fine.. But if I state my opinion about a lot of you, you would probably delete your IG, so from now on I'll just keep it to myself... I'll probably delete this in a few hours."

Well, there you have it, folks. Vegan, and alcohol free. Are you here for Princesses' new trim body or do you prefer her with more curves? We think she looks great!