Our First Preview of Lady Gaga in 'American Horror Story: Hotel' is Opulent AF

Twirl, diva! Twirl!

We star-fished on the floor when we found out Lady Gaga is joining the cast of American Horror Story: Hotel. Mother Monster is so GD theatrical that we have no doubt she will kill it when the show premieres in October. But that's literally two months away. What the hell are we supposed to do with our time in between?

Thankfully, the Internet has blessed us with a treat to tide us over until her debut:

A lucky stan captured Gaga in full AHS: Hotel garb, looking opulent AF. Dressed in a twirly, caped red gown, you can see Gaga (in character as Elizabeth, the Countess) walking regally into a museum as "Coquette" by Dinah Washington plays in the background. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

Head over to The Huffington Post for more photos of AHS Gaga.
